Thursday 16 April 2009

Not very well

Hi i just wanted to say sorry for being a bad blogger but the reason is because i am ill at the moment with a bad stomach bug i wont go into the goary detail's lol anyway as soon as im better i will get round to comenting on your blog's etc.

Love Paula xxxx


Maria Matter said...

Ah, Paula, sending get well prayers your way!
You're not a bad blogger, but I feel like a bad friend! I noticed you weren't posting for a day or two and should have checked on you!!! I know you hurt your wrist the other day, hope that's feeling better! These icky bugs that make us so sick are just take care and I'll talk with you tomorrow!
Blessings, Maria

Nicola said...

Sorry to hear you are poorly Paula, stay warm and snug in bed and Get Well Soon.
Nicola -x-

Karen said...

Sorry you're not feeling well at the moment. Take care of yourself. xx

Mandy said...

Sorry your not feeling well Paula
xx For a speedy recovery

furrypig said...

wishing you well xxx

Tasha said...

Hunny it was funny chatting to David but he was really worried about you and now i am! I hope you get better soon and ill text you tonight to see how you doing
love tasha xx

Maria Matter said...

HI Paula, just checking in on ya!
Any better?
Blessings, Maria

Marcea said...

Hope you are feeling better hun